
Here are our latest product downloads.

Click on the link for the product you wish to download, and you'll be able to download the installer package for that product. Run the installer and follow the instructions to get up and running.

Note that Productivity Suite requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 on your machine. You probably already have it (it's built into Windows from version 10), but if you don't then the installer will pop up a warning and tell you that you need to install it first. You can get it from here: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8.

Productivity Suite

Since v1.1.33, both Productivity Suite and Hub have been adapted to support Sage 50 Accounts v30, which has 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) variants. The version of Productivity Suite (and Hub, if you need it) should match the variant of Sage 50 Accounts you install. If you're not sure what to do, please speak to our support team.

Note that if you already have an earlier version of either Productivity Suite or Hub installed, that should be uninstalled first (use Windows Control Panel Add/Remove Programs).


The Hub service (formerly known as the Productivity Suite Server Component) is required for some products, such as Purchase Order Control, Auto Backup Monitor and Sales Assistant, but is otherwise unnecessary, so you should install it as directed by our support team.

It must only be installed on one single server where Productivity Suite clients can connect to it.

Supporting downloads

Installing on a machine without Sage Accounts

If you install the Hub on a machine without Sage Accounts installed, you need the SDO installer for the relevant version of Sage Accounts. Speak to our support team for guidance.
 SDOEngine270.msi (for version 27)
 SDOEngine263.msi (for version 26.3)
 SDOEngine261.msi (for version 26.1)
 SDOEngine260.msi (for version 26)
 SDOEngine251.msi (for version 25.1)
 SDOEngine250.msi (for version 25)
 SDOEngine242.msi (for version 24.2)
 SDOEngine240.msi (for version 24)
 SDOEngine230.exe (for version 2017)
 SDOEngine220.exe (for version 2016)
 SDOEngine210.exe (for version 2015)
 SDOEngine200.exe (for version 2014)
 SDOEngine190.exe (for version 2013)
 SDOEngine180.exe (for version 2012)
 SDOEngine170.exe (for version 2011)
 SDOEngine160.exe (for version 2010)
 SDOEngine150.exe (for version 2009)
 SDOEngine140.exe (for version 2008)
 SDOEngine130.exe (for version 2007)

Fixing the issue where logon to Sage Accounts is not possible after doing Windows 10 anniversary update

There is an issue with the Windows 10 anniversary update which can leave Sage Accounts in a state where logon is not possible. This download fixes it, but if you are unsure of what to do speak to our support team for guidance.

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