E-Learning vs Classroom-Based Learning: Pros & Cons

Every day's a school day and as knowledge becomes ever increasing crucial when it comes to success it is of paramount importance that individuals continue to learn new skills and information. We all tend to learn and digest information in various ways, what works for one person won't necessarily work for another. Subsequently training companies now offer a variety of learning methods which tend to be either classroom based or via e-learning.

Both methods of learning possess their own merits and can produce effective results. Let's take a look at each option and its pros and cons.



We all know how frustrating it is when we find the perfect training course but it is being held on the one day of the week that you already have commitments or it not coming to a venue near you for the next six months. Online training provides a greater degree of flexibility and convenience often available to be undertaken at a time to suit yourself.

Due to the training being delivered via your PC, laptop, tablet or Smartphone it enables you to undertake the training at a venue of your choice. Your home, workplace or even during your daily commute could be your training location if you have access to the internet. There is simply no reason why time can be an excuse when it comes to E-Learning.

However you can often find that the content is not so in-depth and is not necessarily bespoke and therefore you receive a one size fits all approach.

Informal Setting

If you are not the most extroverted or confident individual, learning with a group of others can sometimes be a daunting experience. Afraid to ask a question or dreading the moment you get asked to contribute to the group. E-learning creates a situation where training can be more like a conversation enabling you to interact as soon as a question springs to mind instead of waiting for an opportune moment and reducing the risk of embarrassing yourself.
The lack of other attendees though does mean that if don't get to hear the answers of other's questions which may also be relevant to you.

Cheaper Cost

As the training takes place online it eliminates the needs to hire a training room, tutor and their associated costs therefore e-learning tends to be a cheaper option. However, you do need to be disciplined to ensure that you attend and listen to the complete online training and avoid the temptation to switch off which you can't do when sitting in a classroom.

Classroom Based


Due to classroom based training being conducted to a group of individuals it provides flexibility in terms of content, level of interaction and bespoke outcomes. Even though an agenda is produced it can often be adapted to suit individual's needs and learning with others enables ideas to flow more freely. However it is important to ensure that classroom sizes are not to large so that you all have the opportunity to interact and contribute.

Increased Focus

Classroom based training requires you to leave the comfort of your own home/office which involves commitment to your learning. This subsequently ensures that you will be more focused due to limited interruptions such as members of staff popping into your office or your inbox demanding your attention. However, the impact on your business still needs to be kept to a minimum and therefore the location needs to be commutable without having to have an overnight stay losing two days out of the business.

Networking Opportunity

Training with others provides an opportunity to network with like-minded individuals enabling you to increase your contact lists, promote your business or to simply share good practice. This social interaction can often be invaluable, after all you never know who they may know and that could be your next best customer.

It is down to personal preference when it comes to choosing your training route but whichever you choose, ensure that it will ultimately fulfil your learning needs. Advantage Services offer both online and classroom based training on a variety of their software solutions. For more information visit our training section.

Posted at 10.35am on 22 March 2017 by Neelam Nazir in category General
Tags: Training