
CRM: Do you understand the importance of your customer relationships?


So, what’s more important; selling a product/service or having a satisfied customer? Well, the answer is both as each goal is connected

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Is it time to upgrade?


How often are we told to upgrade? Whether it’s our gadgets, cars or other items, we are constantly advised to upgrade, but when should we? When is it actually worth upgrading and when is it a little bit of a time waster. Here are a few quick points to look out for to ensure you’re being as efficient as possible with your time – upgrading only when you need to!

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Challenges faced by the Distribution Industry


Are you aware of, and tackling, the challenges facing warehouses today? If not, it may just be the time to consider how they may affect you and what you need to do in order to survive.

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Importance of a CRM System


Customers are the lifeblood of any business after all they pay the bills and your salaries, but unfortunately it is surprising how many feel neglected by their suppliers. Companies need to remember that making the initial sale is just the start of the customer journey if you want to retain them into the future. With obtaining a new customer costing 6-7 times more than retaining one, it makes economic business sense to build effective relationships with your current database.

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